Stuff Happening in 2025
A look at what's to come, and predictions for 2025

Hello, dear reader!
It's a new year, or so I'm told. As we look ahead to 2025 let's take a second to chart a bit of a course, shall we?
Now, unfortunately I'm still sick, but feeling a bit better every day. So in lieu of a normal Stuff Keeps Happening this week, you get... whatever this is. Made special! For you! From me!
First up are a few updates and logistics, but I wouldn't leave you hanging: I'm capping this off with a handful of predictions for 2025 for us to go back and review come 2026 (...assuming...y'know...)
SKH in 2025
As we head into a second Trump presidency, I want to ensure that I'm talking about stuff beyond just "can you believe how awful this guy is!?"
Very rarely do I actually write about Trump directly, because very rarely does it actually matter. A little ways in to his first term in office, I accepted that he is going to do the worst possible choice at any juncture, and if he starts "joking" about something with any frequency, he's not joking. With those tidbits in mind, my approach has been to remind myself: "he's bad. We know this already." It's not perfect, but it helps prevent me from just getting upset over and over on loop forever every time he talks. That helps nothing and is a recipe for high blood pressure.
That will also be my approach when covering this administration: assume the worst outcome, and discuss things that may materially impact people. I will not be using this space to scare you and try to put a stranglehold on your psyche about how bad everything is and force you to not look away. That is not a vibe.
Instead, expect more coverage of entertainment/gaming/tech alongside the important world updates and major policy stuff.
Stuff Keeps Happening is a place for me to express thoughts about current events among topics I feel comfortable speaking on. That's really the only criteria for what I may cover. Well, and heists.
Podcast Stuff
The Stuff Keeps Happening Podcast is currently an audio-only version of the full length show on YouTube, though I do make an effort to edit it to be a native Podcast listening experience, rather than just sounding like "the audio from a video." To that end, I am expecting to expand on the podcast, and may either be adding new segments to the existing podcast, or possibly making a second podcast feed for longer-form content.
For now, I am going to continue as I have been. New episodes every Monday.
Streaming Schedule
I intended to be back to my full time content and streaming schedule at this point, but the gods said "no," and gave me some an obnoxious lingering cough. That said, I'm getting better each day, and intend to get back to it as soon as I'm feeling able.
I will be streaming on Twitch at least twice a week, planning for Tuesday and Thursday mid-morning US Eastern time. Wake up and grab some weekday brunch with me while pretending to pay attention to work. I'll be here trying to alleviate some of the pain of existing on a Tuesday morning.
Beyond that, I'll be doing ad-hoc streams as I find time.
TikTok Ban
Ugh. The TikTok Ban. At time of writing, we don't know what's going to happen. I feel like its a bit of a coin toss right now, but I am operating as if it is a 100% certainty that TikTok will disappear.
Thankfully, I've been working to spread my content around for a few years, posting to multiple platforms and of course, here. So, thanks for being here. As a direct subscriber of my newsletter, you are among my direct supporters. I run this website and mail directly to you; no massive social media company is dictating what you get to see from me and if it can be monetized.
If the ban goes through, I will be shifting my focus more to longer-form content both for Stuff Keeps Happening and just in general. YouTube will be my main video platform, and while I will still record and post some shortform content, I will likely not be posting as many SKH clips to Instagram Reels. You may not know this, but Reels killed off their creator payout program. Some people still have it, but I never even had a chance, so I get nothing from Instagram viewership directly. And, of course, Meta is very central to the whole TikTok ban situation, having been caught in the past paying PR firms to seed fake stories about TikTok being dangerous.
If the ban doesn't go through, I will take a bit more time to shift, but will likely still begin focusing more on longform content and streaming. It has become clear that the shortform video space is beyond volatile, and I want to focus as much as possible on creating a more stable foundation for my work, and creating stable income.
All that to say, expect I'll be posting more longer stuff to YouTube.
2025 Predictions
OKAY! Maybe you read all of the above, or maybe you just jumped to this part because you don't care about the other stuff. Don't... don't tell me which.
Here are five predictions for things that will happen in 2025 in no particular order. We'll revisit this at the end of the year and see how many I got right!
- Trump dies. I'm thinking Q3, but could happen Q2. The circumstances are fuzzy, we're just told he's perfectly healthy and going in for some routine procedure, only to find out later he was dead by the time they said that.
- GTA6 delayed. We've been told that Grand Theft Auto 6 is coming out in 2025. I'm thinking it gets delayed 'til 2026, maybe 2027.
- White Men Finally Start Rejecting The Man-o-sphere. But not entirely because they're Doing Good Now. We'll see a fracture where a contingent of dudes wake the hell up to reality (far, far too late), while the other half still reject more popular toxic masculinity influencers, but only because the influencers break with their audience on economic reform, since the audience is all poor dudes and the influencers want to keep their bag.
- Tech Rejection Takes Over. TikTok gets banned or irreparably destroyed while AI continues to be shoved into every toaster on the market. Gen Z and older Gen Alpha begin protesting by opting for "dumb" devices, sending Meta into a panic that manifests in them starting a campaign to pay for devices for school children in a desperate attempt to reclaim the teens.
- Huge year for Barn Owls. I do not need to elaborate on this one, aside from "their aura is spot on for 2025"
See you hopefully next week
I'm really, REALLY hoping I'll be fully ready to go by next week. This week I'll be finalizing some prep for my return to streaming, as well as posting a few random videos as I find the energy. My spirits are genuinely high, and I cannot wait to get back to my full content schedule.
Although things are fairly bleak right now, I remain optimistic at the opportunities we have going in to 2025. Stick around. We could all use your help.
Take care,
~ Dev

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